Sanjay P.


Available Areas

Maharashtra, Mumbai (Living)



Bengali (Bangla) (Native), English, Hindi (Native)


Response Time

Less than an hour


Availability Updated



About Tour Guide Sanjay P.

Hello! I'm Sanjay, and I come from the lively city of Mumbai. I am passionate about travelling, cooking, photography, writing, digital arts, meditation, and storytelling. I really enjoy spending time with underprivileged slum childrens who don't have as much as others and teaching them basic education. I've been all over India as part of film crews, on solo tours, and with friends from countries like Germany, Japan, Canada, and Switzerland. For the past 16 years, I've been going on tours all around India, and it's been an amazing journey. I've learned so much from my own experiences and from listening to stories from other travelers. During my travels, I've met lots of people from different countries who've been exploring India for months, visiting all the famous cities and tourist spots. But many of them only knew about India from guidebooks like Lonely Planet. I was happy to meet them because it gave me a chance to share the real India—the stories, the culture, and the incredible things you won't find in guidebooks. This passion naturally led me to pursue a hobby as a tour guide. My love for being a tour guide extends beyond showcasing picturesque landscapes and iconic landmarks. It's about fostering cross-cultural understanding, breaking down barriers, and creating moments that transcend the ordinary. My Mumbai tour is dedicated to showcasing the rich cultural tapestry, history, architecture, bustling streets, and dynamic energy of Mumbai with an immersive and insightful.


I can provide you with unique, authentic, and hassle-free guided tours of Goa, Rajasthan, and Kerala. With 14 years of extensive travel experience in these regions, I ensure a deeply enriching experience. If you can cover the transportation costs, I'll handle the rest.