Turtle Gong !? - KAMEDORA in Koedo Kawagoe - 1



KAME in Naritasan Temple in Koedo Kawagoe

"KAME" means turtles in English. You maybe remember a cartoon "Ninja Turtle". That's "Ninja KAME" ! (・・;)

KAME has been an auspicious animal in Japan. It's said that "Cranes live for 1,000 years and turtles live for 10,000 years".

So KAME is a symbol of long life.

Now what's "DORA" ?

"DORA" is a kind of gong bell.  It's made of flour and tastes a little sweet like pancakes.

So afetr all, "KAMEDORA" is "Turtle Gong" ! ヽ(^o^)丿

Have you ever heard "DORAYAKI" ?  It's one of popular Japanese sweets - WAGASHI. DORAEMON loves DORAYAKI !

KAMEDORA is one of variation of DORAYAKI.

You see in the photo there is something between "Gongs" ..... That's "ANKO" - sweet red bean paste.

We have two different types of ANKO.

"TSUBUAN" - coarse sweet red bean paste (with husk of red beans)

"KOSHIAN" - fine-grained sweet red bean paste (without husk of red beans)

"ANKO" in the photo is "TSUBUAN".

You can't go through Japanese sweets without "ANKO".

Why don' you try "KAMEDORA" , unaffected WAGASHI,  in Koedo Kawagoe ? (^_-)-☆

Only at this shop in the map below you can get KAMEDORA !



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